What i most utterly love about open source community is that someone somewhere is most certainly asking exactly the same questions that you are and came to exactly the same conclusions that you did just a minute ago. The only difference being they've probably spent more than a minute on the problem already and sometimes even have a solution for you. Well not just for you – for everyone, you selfish little... Anyway. Quite rarely the situation is in reverse and you've solved the thing first. Which is good – have a cookie and someone's endless gratitude – that one you might never see, but can empathize well enough, otherwise you won't be open sourcing your stuff in the first place. Often, though, it happens that all the solutions to the problem (including your very own) are so infuriatingly hideous that one who finds them, probably, just silently cries. But that's alright. Github issues are always :open for you to share the pain. Besides that's what keeps the whole thing going, i guess. Our helpless bitter tears. And maybe toss some more agony in the pot, we're so used to it, it's like a dev hot sauce.

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